
Summa Theologiae Playlist

YouTube has the excellent catalogue of Librivox audio recordings of the Summa, however it is really hard to navigate correctly to and through all the parts, and VERY frustrating when you find yourself lost! This is not the fault of the video makers, who have done an excellent job, rather there is no playlist to be found and further, the sheer vastness of the Summa makes for the difficulty in navigating it.

Here they are in chronological order, but not all parts included. The KEY is to check the number of PARTS under each title, and find them all on YouTube, they will all come up in the search.

Prima Pars

this playlist goes up to question 74 of 119. I haven’t yet found the remaining

Prima Secundae

Man’s Last End, On Human acts 1/2

Passions, in two parts

Habits, virtues, vices- 3 parts (Q 49-89)

Law and Grace (Q90-114) ***END***

Sec4nda Sec4ndae

Theological Virtues Faith, Hope, Love (3 PARTS)

Cardinal Virtues- Prudence (Q 47-170) 9 PARTS)

(Cant find “Acts Which Pertain Especially to Certain Men” [Q170-189***END***])