Bible Textual Issues

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Christ Grew in Wisdom and Stature

The fact that Christ “increased in Wisdom and stature” (Luke 2:52) presents a certain conundrum because Christians simultaneously hold that Christ is the omniscient Deity.

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Slavery, Rape and Fornication Laws in the OT

Slavery in the Old Testament is a difficulty issue, and involves attempting to understand the socio-economic culture of the times in which this occurred. PART

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Papacy and St Peter

St Peter and the Papacy The Need for Infallible Authority and Succession: “We teach and define as a divinely revealed dogma that when the Roman

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Original Sin

Original Sin is one of the hardest concepts in the Christian religion. In fact it can seem almost undefinable and its necessity difficult to justify.

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Do the Resurrection Appearances Contradict?

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ while being the central claim of Christianity, also presents certain difficulties in the narrative account of it between the four

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Koine Greek Grammar Exercises and Tips

Participles In the case of participles (p.154) what needs to be remembered is (Page numbers are from Duffy’s Essentials) The first line: the nominatives “WN,

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Book References for Holy Trinity Articles

ST – Summa Theologiae of St Thomas Aquinas, translated by the English Fathers of the Dominical Province, Parts I, II- I, II-II and III CPA

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The Fall of Man- Sin and Shame

What is the meaning the uniquely held notion in Christianity of the fall of man? We analyze the passages from Genesis pertaining to this. The

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Angels, Demons and the Soul of Man

According to Christianity, Angels and Demons inhabit a spiritual realm, in fact that is how they are defined- that which is not of the physical

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Nephilim and “sons of God”- Who are they?

There are two references in Bible that tell of some manner of creatures called “Nephilim”. The first is the 6th chapter of Genesis right before

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