Book References for Holy Trinity Articles
ST – Summa Theologiae of St Thomas Aquinas, translated by the English Fathers of the Dominical Province, Parts I, II- I, II-II and III
CPA – Etienne Gilson, The Christian Philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas 1956, Notre Dame Press
FGC- Free Will and God’s Universal Causality, Matthews Grant, Bloomsbury Academic
GaP – God and Philosophy, Etienne Gilson
UoP – The Unity of Philosophy, Etienne Gilson
TD3 – Hans Urs Von Balthasar, Theo-Drama- Theological dramatic Theory III. Dramatic Personae: Persons in Christ, Ignatius Press 1992
JoN (Pt. I&II)– Jesus of Nazareth, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI, Bloomsbury Press, London 2007
SoL – Spirit of the Liturgy, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, Ignatius Press, San Fransisco, 2000
CCC – Catechism of the Catholic Church, Doubleday, NY 1995
FCF – Foundations of theChristian Faith, Karl Rahner, Seabury Press 1978 N.Y.
CoF – Karl Rahner, The Content of Faith, Crossroads Publishing Company, N.Y. 1993
TI – Theological Investigations, Karl Rahner (as excerpts taken from CoF).
TAD – Jacques Maritain, The Angelic Doctor: The Life and Thought of Saint Thomas Aquinas.
JPA – Anthology, Josef Pieper Ignatius Press SF, 1989
JHC – Happiness & Contemplation, Josef Pieper St. Augustine’s Press, Indiana, 1979
AES – Aquinas, Eleanore Stump
JNDK – JND Kelly Early Christian Doctrines, 4th ed. 1968 pub. Adam and Charles Black, London
All Bible references are from the NRSV translation unless otherwise indicated